“I knew you’d linger like a tattoo kiss.”
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first ever dating app for celebrities by celebrities
Have you ever wanted to join Taylor Swift’s inner circle? Are you a celebrity?
For this final project we have compiled a list of all the celebrities that are connected to Taylor Swift. We are showing how everyone in Hollywood connects with her and how they have formed relationships over the years. We wanted to build a dating app that will connect celebrities with recommendations based on who they know. The dating app will feature a subscription based service. Celebrities who have earned the most revenue will be able to be part of Taylor Swift’s inner circle and meet people who make as much as they do.
“I knew you’d miss me once the thrill expired.”
We have created a graph that showcases who Taylor Swift has dated and who her past relationships have dated throughout time. We will also be showcasing their net worth. This can give us an idea on how much someone is making after they have crossed paths with Taylor Swift.
We see only a few exceptions to this, these exceptions include Kate Moss who is in the Johnny Depp’s network, is a friend of Taylor Swift. This creates a bridge that crosses over our data sets. Another crossover is with Reese Witherspoon and Jennifer Aniston. Reese Witherspoon dated Jake Gyllenhaal, who also dated Taylor Swift. Reese Witherspoon also was in a movie with Jennifer Aniston. Jennifer Aniston also dated John Mayer, who dated Taylor Swift. This creates a small, but noticeable overlap between the networks. Most of the stars of Hollywood do not leave these exclusive circles that they work so hard to get into. The same goes for your circle that you have been developing your entire life. Odds are you are not going to find love with a stranger. This data proves that the person you are most compatible with will already be in your life. This may be a friend of a friend, a coworker, an acquaintance that you already know, but they are likely there. When we use outside sources, like tinder, to mix with our data it usually results in incompatibility and lack of a real relationship.
This is why our concept of a dating app would use similar type recommendations to instagram and facebook, tracking connections to your immediate connections. Through this you can find someone that is already in your life, you may just not know it.
“And I knew you’d come back to me.”