This is an R Markdown of the frequency of ingredients in the hit TV series the Great British Bake Off. The data aquired through a tumutulous task of scraping and watching the series led to our discovery of many different ingredients, as well as many familiarities! We should warn you before we dive into the data, that disclaimer the the data represented only represents Seasons 1-7.
Top Ten Ingredients
Based on our findings ans while there was slight naming variation the ingredient that we found to be used the most frequently used ingredient was flour. Astonishing for a baking show right? Followed closely by Egg and Caster Sugar.
Technical Challenge Ingredient Network
This is a network map of the ingredients and their usage in the recipes that were used in the technical challenges. The nodes of the network are scaled based on their degree of connectedness to one another. The bigger the node the more degrees of connection that the ingredient has. The color is based off modularity grouping. There are ten nodes, one of which can be dismissed as it is only between recipes and ingredients.
More importantly than the nodes or the degrees of connection is the Eigenvector Centrality. For the top ten refer to figure 3.0. In the bar graph (Figure 2) based off just the ingredients flour is king but when we look at the raw data egg presents itself. This is because flour has many different names and there are different types of flour whereas eggs are only referred to as eggs.
Eigenvector Centrality