This graph compares the number of likes on the posts of Verified users and Unverified users. As it turns out, there are larger more isolated instances of verified users getting a lot of likes. And for the unverified users they don't have a lot of likes but they do have a very high volume of likes. This shows that unverified users getting lucky on Tik Tok reach more viewers than some of the verified users.
There is a trend in video likes declining the longer the TikTok video duration. There is no correlation between user popularity and verified user status. Shorter videos receive more likes than longer videos.
Taking a closer look: There is a strong correlation between shorter videos ranging between 10-20 seconds that receive the majority of likes. Interestingly enough, the “Verified Users” seem to plateau in their video likes no matter the duration of their TikTok videos.
This network consists of the corpus connections between words and hashtags used in the description of featured TikToks. As seen in the center, the hashtag "fyp" a.k.a. "for your page" has the high occurrences. The coloring of the nodes represents the modularities in the dataset.